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Graduate Student Forms


All theses and dissertations must be submitted electronically. Please note the deadlines below that pertain to your desired graduation date. If you have applied for graduation and find you will not be able to meet one of the deadlines, you must notify the Graduate School prior to the deadline or your file may be placed on inactive status. Email:

Graduate students must register for a minimum of 3 hours in at least two semesters per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer), including the 3 hours of graduate credit required during the semester in which degree requirements are completed. To review the Graduate Enrollment policy, please click here.

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  • Advisory Committee Form
    You must submit an Grad Advisory Committee Form (Thesis students only) during your first year of graduate work. This form should be filed before the end of your first year of course work. Non-thesis MS students do not require a full committee, but should use the Graduate Advisory Committee Portal to assign the Major Professor or Faculty Supervisor. This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.  
  • Program of Study
    You must submit a Program of Study Form for both thesis and non-thesis students for approval by the dean of Graduate School  before the MS project work and before defending the thesis. This form is available on the GradStatus website.This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.  
  • MS Core Competency Form (Thesis only)
    This form is to be certified and signed by the Major Professor, Advisory Committee, and Graduate Coordinator, by the end of the second semester or beginning of the third semester from the time of your enrollment in the program.
  • MS Core Competency Form (Non-thesis only)
    This form is to be certified and signed by the Major Professor and the Graduate Coordinator by the end of the second semester or beginning of the third semester from the time of your enrollment in the program.
  • MS Cybersecurity and Privacy Core Competency Form ( Thesis only)
    This form is to be certified and signed by the Major Professor, Advisory Committee, and Graduate Coordinator, by the end of the second semester or beginning of the third semester from the time of your enrollment in the program.
  • MS Cybersecurity and Privacy Core Competency Form ( Non-thesis only)
    This form is to be certified and signed by the Major Professor, Graduate Coordinator by the end of the second semester or beginning of the third semester from the time of your enrollment in the program.
  • Format Check
    Before defending your master’s thesis, you must submit one complete copy of your thesis or dissertation for a format check with Graduate School.
  • Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Submission Approval Form
    Before scheduling your master’s thesis, you must submit the final ETD Approval Form and a corrected copy of thesis/dissertation. This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.  
  • Approval Form for Master’s Thesis and Final Oral Examination 
    This form is initiated by the student. This form must be ready at the time when you take your final oral examination, that is, your thesis defense. On this form, your advisory committee must approve your thesis for the defense and record the result of your defense. This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.  
  • Independent Study/Internship Form
    This form is for access to Directed Study,  CSCI 8990, Masters or Doctoral Research, and Thesis and Dissertation courses, and Internship. Form is to be signed by faculty instructor of the independent study course or Graduate Coordinator, for off- campus internships. Students with off-campus internships and F1 visa must register for internship course, CSCI 7007 3 credit hours under his/her major professor CRN. Email faculty signed form to School of Computing main office admin. by 4pm of last day of drop/add period for the respective term.
  • CSCI 7200 MS Project Form - This form is required for all School of Computing graduate students who are taking CSCI 7200, in the second/final semester of CSCI 7200, and must be completed by Reading Day in second or final semester of degree program. CSCI 7200 requires total minimum 4 credit hours. Two project professors are required for the MS project and to sign on the MS project form. The student will register under Major Professor for CSCI 7200.  The MS Project Form and MS Project Final report is to be uploaded to elC by Reading Day by final semester of the course. The form must be complete with signature of both project professors, student signature, and course final grade.  CSCI 7200 is 2-6 credit hours, and is repeatable for up to 12 credit hours maximum.   


  • Advisory Committee Form
    You must submit an Gad Advisory Committee Form during your first year of graduate work. This form should be filed before the end of your first year of course work. The Grad Advisory Committee must be completed prior to Program of Study and Oral/Written Comprehensive exams. This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.  
  • Phd Core Competency Form
    This form is to be certified and signed by the Major Professor, Graduate Coordinator, and Advisory Committee by the end of the second semester or beginning of the third semester from the time of your enrollment in the program. This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.  This form is to be uploaded to elC.
  • Program of Study
    PhD students must submit a Program of Study Form for approval by the dean of Graduate School by the time the notification of the preliminary oral comprehensive examination is given. You have to make sure that this form is approved before your oral comprehensive examination is scheduled. This form is available on the GradStatus website. This form requires an updated Athena transcript to be uploaded to elC for Graduate Coordinator review. This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.   
  • Format Check
    Before defending your doctoral dissertation, you must submit one complete copy of your thesis or dissertation for a format check with Graduate School.
  • Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Submission Approval Form
    Before scheduling your doctoral dissertation defense, you must submit the final ETD Approval Form and a corrected copy of thesis/dissertation. This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.  
  • Approval Form for Doctoral Dissertation and Final Oral Examination
    The student initiates this form in Gradstatus. This form must be ready at the time when you take your final oral examination, that is, your thesis defense. On this form, your advisory committee must approve your thesis or dissertation for the defense and record the result of your defense. This form requires approval of Major professor, Committee members ( if applicable), and Graduate Coordinator.  
  • Application for Admission to Candidacy
    This form is initiated by the student, after completing the Oral/Written Comprehensive exams, and must be approved by your Major Professor, Committee members, and the Graduate Coordinator and filed with the Graduate School.
  • Comprehensive Exam Announcement
    This form must be filed by the Graduate Coordinator or Graduate Student Affairs Coordinator.  You must notify the School of Computing office of the ORAL COMP exam, two weeks in advance of the oral exam date. After completion of the written comprehensive examination, that is, after passing your two qualifying papers, the oral examination is announced to the Graduate School and posted on the Graduate School website.
  • Dissertation Defense Announcement
    This form must be filed by the Graduate Coordinator or Graduate Student Affairs Coordinator, at least two weeks before the date of your defense. 



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