This course is an introduction to algorithmic problem solving using the Python programming language: objects, values, types, expressions, simple statements, compound statements, inputs, and outputs. This course includes programming projects that incorporate algorithm design and implementation in Python 3 or above. This course is intended for anyone who is interested in learning how to program. Python is the most widely used programming language in Data Science, Open Science, and Web application development.
The initial offering for this course is in Fall 2020. Future scheduling for this course has not yet been determined.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can CSCI 1300 be used to meet a prerequisite requirement?
Some students may wonder if CSCI 1300 can be used to fulfill a prerequisite requirement for CSCI 1301 or similar. Courses with a CSCI prefix that allow CSCI 1300 as a prerequisite will explicitly state that in the UGA Bulletin or the relevant course information sheet hosted on the department’s website. Courses with other prefixes (i.e., non-CSCI) may have not yet made a determination about this, and students are encouraged to email the non-CSCI course instructor if CSCI 1300 is not explicitly listed as a prerequisite.
Q: Does CSCI 1300 satisfy any core curriculum requirements?
A: Yes. Effective April 24, 2020, CSCI 1300/1300L satisfies Area III Quantitative Reasoning in the General Education Core Curriculum. Until this is published in the next version of the UGA Bulletin, students who are seeking to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning requirement with CSCI 1300/1300L are encouraged confirm this information with their advisor.
Q: Does CSCI 1300 satisfy any major requirements?
No. The CSCI 1300 course is an elective course and does not satisfy any CSCI major requirements.
Q: Where can I find a syllabus?
Like any course, the specific syllabus may change from semester to semester; however, a detailed list of course learning outcomes and topics is available in the Course Information File linked below.